Johan honored to be expert advisor to OECD once again
OpiFlex CEO and Founder Johan Frisk are once again involved as expert advisor to OECD Next Manufacturing Revolution program in their coming report. A lot has happened since November 2016, one thing the strong megatrend high mix low volumes that drive the rapid need of more flexible robots also for OEMs and Tier1. Stay tuned for the report to come out..

Mean while you can download the old report here and more info and video below
OECD The Next Production Revolution 2016
Implications for Governments and Business
This publication examines the opportunities and challenges, for business and government, associated with technologies bringing about the “next production revolution”. These include a variety of digital technologies (e.g. the Internet of Things and advanced robotics), industrial biotechnology, 3D printing, new materials and nanotechnology. Some of these technologies are already used in production, while others will be available in the near future. All are developing rapidly. As these technologies transform the production and the distribution of goods and services, they will have far-reaching consequences for productivity, skills, income distribution, well-being and the environment. The more that governments and firms understand how production could develop in the near future, the better placed they will be to address the risks and reap the benefits

Johan Frisk was in November 2016 invited by the Swedish Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Mikael Damberg to hold a speech at an OECD conference about Next Manufacturing Revolution. Below you see some links with videos from the opening session where the Deputy Secretary-General for OECD Douglas Frantz mentioned about his speech in his opening session, see video below.
Please find attached a presentation as an example I normally have for the Tier1’s and OEM’s that contact us. I make many different presentations and have been e.g. invited by EU Commission 9 times for presentation and panel, also by Mr Damberg the Swedish Minister for Enterprise and Innovation to make a presentation and be in a panel of the OECD conference Smart Industry as part of the Next Manufacturing Revolution Program