OpiFlex in Almedalen panel-"What is the location of the smart factory?"

by Jul 4, 2015News0 comments

OpiFlex CEO Johan Frisk in the panel discussion on “What is the location of the smart factory?” together with Johan Söderström, CEO, ABB Sweden; Marie N, Chairman, IF Metall; Adela Martinovic, Managing Director, Technology College; Johan Frisk, CEO, OpiFlex; OLA Asplund, senior advisor, IF Metall; Eva Wafa, head of Industrial development, technology companies; Betty Malmberg, the Education Committee, (M); Moderator: Cecilia Warrol, responsible production issues.

Video summary from the Panel below

The ongoing digitalization covers all industries and will change everything from jobs and housing to transportation and health care. With time, does industrial worker becomes an advanced technical engineer? How we think about people’s ability to grow into more advanced work?

To sum up, so check out the following:
– Automation and robotization removes repetitive and dangerous job. Creates jobs where brain and dexterity are needed
– Robotics increase competitiveness and create new jobs, there are many studies on this
– Germany’s venture Industry 4.0 is deemed to create 100 000 jobs, unless it is carried out is in danger of 500, 000 jobs will be lost.
– It costs the same to automate in Sweden as in Asia.
– Strong need for engineers, production engineers, Automation Engineers and operators
“We in the industry need to simplify användatet of technology so that even school tired and new arrivals will fit
– OpiFlex supports this by developing a simplified robot programming, so the operator can programmerinera if the robot in less than 10 minutes, instead of hours by a specialist
Technology College has a muycket important task to continue educating professional personnel that meet the new requirements
– Industrial and education need to work together with the requirements, needs and challenging internships

Liknande OpiFlex in Almedalen panel-"What is the location of the smart factory?"

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Varför OpiFlex?

OpiFlex löser utmaningen att automatisera mega trenden med hög mix och låg volym med flexibla robotceller och driver den tredje robot revolutionen mot helt nya möjligheter.


OpiFlex flexibla lösning och enkla programmering kan användas till de flesta applikationer inom alla branscher och ger nytta för både små- och medelstora företag, Tier1 och globala koncerner.


OpiFlex är en mycket kostnadseffektiv lösning som är framtidssäker och kan öka täckningsbidraget mer än vanliga robotlösningar.